The Journey Begins

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The Moving Finger writes; And, having writ,/Moves on — Omar Khayyam



YOU are yet to  bless this earth.
Your joyful laughter still eludes my dreams.
But for when you are there to be,
Remember to read this just for me.

Your locks of love can be short or long;
What you wear fails to sum you up.
Your laughter makes your face glow along;
Everything else, just forget with a song.

I know your tears, I have felt them too.
No need to wipe them, just let them through.
How can you let yourself be judged?
Remember my words, if you must.

You are the only sunshine in my life;
The only glow of laughter in a dark night.
Your heart so pure, it touches me too;
Never fail to acknowledge your true worth for you.

Just remain calm and let the world be your.
As it has been mine, so shall it be yours.
Don't worry if you fail, remember, I did too.
Just don't let it choose the course for you.

And when you reach this beautiful while,
Write a letter in some unknown night.
To your beloved daughter whom you are yet to feel;
And sketch out the journey for her to read.

And like now you smile, on reaching this mile.
May she smile too all the whiles.
Just remember to never forget it ever,
That you are worth more than any son clever.

Dearest daughter of mine.....
May you be blessed with life....


Ever so often, in the dark corners of my mind,
Resided the Satan, a reminder of all my crimes.
Reminiscing with joy, the days of unending fear;
It feeds on my sorrow; relishes the tears.

Ever so often, at some unknown while,
The Satan suddenly reminds of all the times,
When pain was the constant companion to my days;
Pain so unimaginable, the joys it outweighed.

And my screams were suppressed, quietened with a vow,
To not jump the ledge, to never ever let go.
And so I stand frozen, at the alter of Time;
Praying harder with each second, every single night.

HE shows me in dreams, the nightmares of yore,
The reason I can never be ME anymore,
Yet I still struggle in vain evermore;
To find in the darkness that one ray of hope.

For years HE sat quiet, biding his while,
Refrained from reminding me the horrors of the silent night,
But now again he has risen, a painful reminiscence;
Through my pathos it satiated the core to his existence.

And my heart carries he scars, worn with a smile.
A faint reminder of past, a present nightmare of life.

And i keep drowning, yet praying in vain,
Holding it all together, till the day's end.
And so it shall be, the war of night and day;
A never ending feud inside my own head.

HIS core... My existence
HIS pathos.. My resistence
HIS smile... My darkest fears
HIS battle cry... M silent tears

And so I shall ask, to all those standing few;
What pleasure did you derive from waking the sleeping shrewd?

The night is yet to pass....
The light is yet to show....

As I lay asunder..
A scarred soul in the middle of the forgotten pathos.