Things We Leave Behind

The empty rooms, the blank walls,
The unwashed dishes, some unfinished verses,
The sun rays peeking in through the blinds;
Simple things that were left behind.

The red lamp, the black diary,
A coffee mug that was a dear gift,
A call disconnected without any reason, the silence of an afternoon while;
Simple things that were left behind.

A friend living two floors down, a mate angered at a thousandth mile,
Some hidden letters, the favorite jasmine tea,
The coffee beans roasted in the grind;
Simple things that were left behind.

The fruity shampoo, the marked spot,
The rack of unread books, the line of cassettes unheard,
The collection of cola caps in an old pouch hidden from sight;
Just some things to remember by.
Simple things that were left behind.

A side of the cupboard, the top drawer of socks,
The other set of house keys,
All these regalia, count to be too much.
A half of a life left alive,
Simple things that were left behind.

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