In Remembrance

So you committed suicide, huh?
Ran away from life?
Ran away from the existence, the breathe, the pathos, the happiness,
The anxiety, the panic and the thousand other emotions 
That have forever failed to sum up the storm brewing inside you;
Eating you up, draining your life,
Making you question your very existence of your being,
Letting you create your truth on a bed of lies;

You took the easier way out - They said.
Should have talked to someone - Some suggested.
Should have still fought, crawled, craved, forced, 
Or at least yelled for help!
But they will never know, you did just that.
You did just that in your mind!
But nobody saw, heard, smelt, anticipated
or even assumed the bad, worse or even worst.
They never assumed the truth behind your lies.

You left behind some broken dreams too.
You left behind some broken dreams, love, friendships, family,
And maybe even a broken yet alive parent too.
One that has to breathe even though his child has long stopped breathing.
Has to know the truth, even though all he wants to do is curl up and forever live a lie.

I bet you had dreams.
I bet you had dreams, hopes, aspirations, goals,
And maybe even impossible plans for your future, right?
With your last breathe, did they too die?
Did you take them with you, to the forever sky?

But then, you did die.
No matter what we say now.
You have still died.
And we could never stop you.
We could never stop you, help you, hear you, ask you or know you,
Or even have the chance to be there by your side.
And you died.
And now we keep saying, pleading, asking,
Everyone that we meet, share, talk, love or know,
To reach out if they feel depressed.
If they feel anxious, panicked, deceived or barely alive.

Reach out and let us know.
Make promises to check up on more.
But isn't that too little too late?
For as we still continue the debate
On how the illness continues to rampage;
To maim, kill or injure the thousands out there;
You still remain dead.
Death has still triumphed Life.

But still we shall keep trying in vain.
Trying to make it up for with our efforts until the last breathe.
Till one day, when you are alone again;
And thinking of ending all again one night.
A friend is there to reach at the nick of time,
Hold your hands and let you breathe through the pain.
Or call you up, incessantly, again and again, at the exact moment.
Tell you that you're loved. That this is life.
Knock on your door as a stranger or neighbor or both;
And just let themselves in, share a real smile.
And maybe then you would untangle the moose.
Put off the thoughts for that one single night;
Wait once more for the morning.
The sunrise will help ease the struggle to breathe;
And that day maybe, you shall not die.
That day, Death shall be triumphed by Life.

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